Thursday, 6 November 2008

Long time no post (not no herpes)

Mood: contemplative, happy, occasionally frustrated

Well herpes fans - it has been a while since I posted and I am resolving to start saying a little more. I would like to say thanks to everyone who has commented on the blog or emailed me and I am sorry I have been so slow at responding.

It has been almost 8 months since I posted last (where did that time go?) and a lot has happened. I will not bore you with information about monotomous days spent moving house or working and I will cut right to the chase. The (very, very, very) good news is that I am still with the great girl who on March 6th was still a new girl. More importantly I am thoroughly head over heels in love.

The not so good news is that despite taking acyclovir twice a day since March I have not become symptom free. In fact my episodes seem to be stimulated by the mere act of having sex (penile trauma?). It is not a simple formula (I am about to get very blunt - I think you should be used to that by now but do not say I did not warn you). Basically symptoms typically follow a few days after I have continued sexual intercourse. At this point I usually stop all sex until the symptoms disappear, wait another week and then start having sex again. YES - you are right - this is a pain in the backside (and frontside :-)). The symptoms only seem to be caused during intercourse and are not caused by masturbation.

The symptoms are usually very mild and usually consist of a small red spot or two. I have been in and out of the hallowed 'Clinic 1a' (GUM clinic) and they and I are still none the wiser. Fortunately my girlfriend is very supportive and relaxed about it. We are of course incredibly careful and we always use a condom. We also usually stop when my symptoms appear - however this is very disruptive and annoying. However I consider myself lucky because I have an amazing relationship with a wonderful, beautiful girl. Her view on this is that the worst thing that can happen is that she catches it from me and that is nowhere near as bad as the idea of not being with me :-)!

Okay - there is much more to this story because this lovely girl is currently half way around the world. More on that next time - and if you are lucky some more gorey symptom details to boot.

Now where did I put my acyclovir.